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商城首页 > 技术文献 > 仪器仪表工业现代化


发布时间:2010-07-16   来源:11317仪器商城  



仪器仪表工业技术水平已经达到了国际整合在20世纪80年代以来,微电子技术和计算机技术在仪器仪表等产品广泛应用于大约15%的产品,实现智能化国际水平上世纪90年代,这个数字产品实现的30% 80年代末,达到国际先进水平。综合服务能力明显提及:可以进行30万- 60万千瓦火力和核电站、30吨氨转化器、日产、120吨30万立方米的城加油站、大炉等大型工程完全控制计划。




The international market instruments on technology to digital, intelligent, networking, miniaturization, also can classification described as: scientific test instrument is by a single step towards universal module intelligent and realize the plug and play, flexible and convenient for different objects composed of automatic test system, To realize the large-scale network science instruments, to a higher accuracy, high reliability and its adaptability to environment, use the development direction of the automation level unceasing enhancement, and generally have since compensation, diagnosis and troubleshooting intellectualized function.

At current levels and domestic technology development trend

Instrument industry technical level has reached the international integrated in the 1980s, microelectronics technology and computer technology in instrumentation products widely used in about 15% of the products, to realize the intellectualized international level in the 1990s, The digital product realization of 30% in the late 1980s, reached the international level. Comprehensive service ability significant mention: can undertake 30 million - 60 million kw thermal and nuclear power station, 30 tons of ammonia converter, nissan, 120 tons 30 million cubic meters of city gas station, large furnaces such large-scale projects complete control project.

Main products satisfy needs scientific test instrument, high-grade contented rate is 30% domestic market, cheap scientific instruments meet rate 65%, Production process measurement instruments and control system in large engineering projects in the product variety, contented rate reaches 50% small project reaches 70%. Import products are often needed to scientific research, the production of major equipment, technology and the key content, high added value.

Industry from scratch, small and initially formed a complete categories of instrumentation production, scientific research, marketing system. A number of research and development institutions (including mechanical system instrumentation professional research 20, national engineering research center, 3, 5, the enterprise technology center national quality test center of 9), Cultivate a group of professional operation, management and technical personnel. Particularly cheap product parts formed their own advantages and characteristics of digital multimeters, electricity, water and gas meter, level, cheap optical microscope, telescope in the world, and the yield of the basic needs of domestic exports, meanwhile, large.

Through science and technology research and development, the joint venture cooperation and jointly imported technology digestion and absorption of localization in China, make a variety of forms such as part of instrument industry leading products with high-grade narrowed the gap of the international advanced level, and formed the production capacity. The main products include independent development and DCS, smart fieldbus instruments, bus system, automotive test equipment, special test equipment, ultrasonic diagnosis microwave plasma spectrum, new proliferation silicon sensitive components etc, the introduction of technology localization of main products are recorder, small regulator, new transmitter, spectrum, chromatography, scanning electron microscope, water quality analyzer, special compound materials, Joint venture mainly products are large DCS, EJA, flowmeter, electronics, balancing tester, high temperature testing instrument, etc.

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