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商城首页 > 技术文献 > 光谱光度测仪与标准参考文献目录


发布时间:2010-10-09   来源:11317仪器商城  


(1)光及有关电磁辐射的量和单位,中国技术标准出版社,GB 3102.6-86



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(17)Victor R.Weidner and Jack J.Hsea.,Reflecton Properties of Pressed Polytetreafluoroethylene Powder。

(18)CIE publication No.44(TC-2.3),Absolute Methodsfor Refletion Measurements,1979

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(23)Li Zaiqing,Ma Zhenshen,Chen Rui and Wang Yu.“3-Dimensional Measurements for Reflectance ofthe Diffuse Materials”,CIE 22nd session-Vol.2,165,1991

(24)Fred W.Billmeyer,Jr.,et al.,“Exact calculationof Fresnel reflection coefficients for diffuse light”,Journal of color & appearance,Vol.11,No.1(1973)

(25)CIE publication No.54,Retroreflection:Definition and Measurement,1982

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(27)Mielenz,K,D.,Measurement of Photoluminescence,Academic press New York,1982

(28)J.N.Miller (edetor).,Standards in Fluorescence Spectrometry,Chapman and Hall,New Yord,1981

(29)“摄谱仪”检定规程,JJG 76--92中国计量出版社,1992



(32)CIE Publication No.59 Polarezation.Definitiond and Nomenelature Instrument Polarization,1984



(36)Theory for off-specular R eflection From Rough-ened Surfaces,K.E.Torrance and E.M.Soarrow,J.O.A.Vol.57,No.9(1967)

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